Jane foster in thor love and thunder

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Jane foster in thor love and thunder 


What Happens to Jane Foster After Thor: Love and Thunder? | Time.


If you're heading into " Thor: Love and Thunder " expecting nothing but laughs and a rollicking adventureyou might be in for a bit of a surprise. One of the major plot arcs involves the return of Dr. Jane Foster, Thor's ex from the first two movies, and how she temporarily gains the powers of Thor. Jane's superpowers can't save her from everything, though, and she's the latest major casualty in the Marvel universe.

Once we've processed all those feelings surrounding Jane's return and death, let's take a look at what this means for future movies. When Jane comes back into Thor's life and the lives of audiencesit's lovs with the happiest of news. She's been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, and, with all other options exhausted, she heads to New Asgard in hopes of a miracle. What she doesn't know is that Thor unknowingly "bonded" his hammer Mjolnir to Jane years ago, asking it to protect her.

Jane takes possession of Mjolnir and is imbued with all the powers it grants her, becoming the jane foster in thor love and thunder Thor" version of the character, as seen in the Marvel comics. Всегда,иногда haunted houses asheville nc - haunted houses asheville nc через Jane is superpowered and strong when wielding Mjolnir, it soon becomes clear that her use of it is draining what remains of her life force.

Eventually, she learns that using Mjolnir even one more time will probably kill her. Nevertheless, in the final battle, she wields the hammer to save Thor's life when Gorr the God Butcher is about to kill him. The heroes win the battle with Jane's help, but it does come at the cost of her life. In the post-credits sceneJane appears in a new realm and is greeted by Перейти на страницу, who thanks her for her hhunder, especially for helping save his son, Axl.

Heimdall then welcomes her to Valhalla, the "land of the gods" and the heroes' afterlife. She is definitely, absolutely dead — she's literally seen being welcomed into the afterlife. But as we all know, death isn't always the end of the story in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the comic book storyline that inspired "Thor: Love and Thunder" and Jane's arc in the movie, Jane's death doesn't actually stick. She hesitates when she arrives at the gates of Valhalla, and Thor winds up channeling even more jane foster in thor love and thunder to resurrect her.

After that, she returns to being a "normal" human for a while, and jane foster in thor love and thunder chemotherapy is eventually successful. In future adventures, she teams up with Thor and the Asgardians several times, and eventually gains more powers and even becomes a Valkyrie. Will we see any of this adapted into the Marvel thoe Maybe, maybe not. The biggest difference so far is that the movie version of Jane doesn't necessarily seem hesitant when she arrives in Valhalla, and Thor isn't focusing on trying to resurrect her.

Still, it's possible that Jane could be jane foster in thor love and thunder at some point in по ссылке future. With Marvel moving into the multiverse, it's also possible that we could meet an alternate jane foster in thor love and thunder of Jane somewhere down the line.

For now, the "original" Jane has had her story come to a close, and it's a pove epic and heroic finale. Image Source: Everett Collection. You May Also Like. Movie Trailers. Sarah Jessica Parker. Jennifer Lawrence. Now You Know. Movie" by Kelsey Garcia 16 hours ago. Latest Entertainment. Get the Pove Inside Scoop Right in your inbox. Customize Select the topics that interest you:.

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